So in our last article we gave you a few pointers on how to house train your puppy. We explained some general things about her toilet habits, but there is a lot more to training a pup than simply teaching her not to pee on your expensive carpets.

You definitely need to teach the puppy some manners now when she is young because otherwise it will be much harder for you as she gets older. We all know just how happy dogs can get when their owners come back from work. They start barking as they feel you jiggling your keys and as you enter the house they start jumping up and down or start running in circles. They would literally do anything in order to get your attention.
One of the most pressing problems a new dog owner is faced with is the puppy’s urge to jump on people. Believe it or not, this is something that you have taught her. It’s something that you have encouraged over time, and no matter how many times you tell her to stop doing it, she just won’t listen. The thing is that the puppy acts this way because she wants to be picked up and played with. So the only way she knows how to show you that she wants to be held and pet is by jumping on you.
Didn’t think there was a wrong way to pick up a puppy, did you? Well, there most definitely is. Don’t pick her up when she is facing you or when she is already jumping on you. The key is to hold her as if you were about to pick her up, turn her around, let her calm down for a couple of seconds, and then pick her up. This is how she will learn that jumping on you will not get her picked up, but being calm and patient will.

Another thing new dog owners seem to get a lot of is chewed shoes, furniture, and pretty much anything in the pup’s reach. You need to understand that puppies are a lot like babies. In the first couple of months of their lives they are teething, so their gums often get sore and itchy. You just need to keep your cool and find the best solution to this problem. It’s okay for them to chew, but it’s very important that they chew the right thing. There are lots of chew – toys and treats that you can get from your local pet store. Don’t hesitate to get one for them. Encourage them to use it, and clearly state your stand on chewing anything else. When you see her picking up your shoes again, firmly say “no”. Be careful not to scare the puppy though, because she will lose her trust in you, and start seeing you as a threat.